Thursday, July 24, 2014

Week 8: Last Week in America

Hello Family and Friends!                                                                                      July 24, 2014

This week has been pretty great! We had our last couple of lessons with our investigators, so that was bitter sweet. This week has been filled with a lot of lasts. Last week in America, last devotionals, last lessons, last day with one of our favorite teachers. I'm sure you get the point. Sometimes, because it is our last week, we have been tempted to not try quite as hard, or to speak in English rather than Japanese, because it will be the last time for 16 months (since I will be headed home to Sweet Home Alabama 16 months from now).

 Despite all the lasts though, I have been able to reflect on just how much has happened over the past 8 weeks. I came into the MTC with a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel and a strong desire to share it with everyone I meet, but while I've been here in the MTC, my testimony has grown so much, and has been strengthened every day. I have learned that as you share your testimony with others, it not only helps them, but it helps you as well. During our TuesdayDevotional, Elder Stanley G. Ellis and his family spoke to us. They have 9 children in their family and all 9 of them served missions. The youngest is still on her mission now. Well, each child bore their testimony to us, and shared a short little message. One of my favorites was from one of their sons. He talked about how on his mission he gained a true sense of his potential. He said, "My mission became for me a personal school of the prophets." Something that we are told all the time as missionaries is that our most important convert is ourselves. How can we go and teach others about the gospel and invite them to come unto Christ when we ourselves aren't converted? I have thought a lot about my potential (as I am sure you may have noticed from my email every week) since I have been here at the MTC. A lot about not just what I want for myself, but what God wants for me. It really is an amazing thing to think about. When we align our wills with Kamisama no mikokoro (God's will), we are so blessed. Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and to do all we can to return to live with him someday. So put your life in His hands. Strive to know what he has planned for you. What better hands for our lives to be in than His. 

I love you all so much! I wish I had more time to write more this week, but with packing and last minute things I don't have as much time. 

You are all so wonderful! Thank you for all of the wonderful examples you are in my life!

Next time you hear from me, I'll be in Japan! 

Ai shitte imasu! 
Robertson Shimai (soon to be Robotosan Shimai) :)

Well, for whatever reason, pictures won't upload. Gomen nasai!

(So, a little while later she was able to get a couple of pic's to come through) - The first picture is of her MTC District with Ellsworth Kyodai on one of his last days as teacher. (the tall one in the middle with the white name tag)

On Amanda's P-day (Preparation-Day) on Sister Ashley Peel's first week at the MTC.  

Both Sister Robertson and Sister Peel - From Madison, AL, leave next week for their individual mission area's. Kobe, Japan, and Indianapolis, Indiana.

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